How to Write an Opinion Essay – A Step-by-Step Guide

Tips to plan, write, and structure a strong opinion essay.

Let's Learn How to Write an Opinion Essay

Writing an opinion essay is a fantastic way to share your thoughts on a topic while learning to organise ideas clearly. This type of essay allows you to voice your opinion and support it with strong reasoning and examples.

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps of writing an effective opinion essay, providing tips and examples to help you confidently express your ideas.

What Is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay is a piece of writing where you present your point of view on a particular subject, supported by reasons and evidence. Unlike factual essays, opinion essays are personal and encourage the writer to argue for their own viewpoint.

  • Example: If your opinion essay topic is "Should school uniforms be mandatory?" your task is to present a clear opinion and back it up with reasons and examples.

Step 1: Understand the Structure of an Opinion Essay

A typical opinion essay includes:

  1. Introduction: Introduce the topic and state your opinion clearly.
  2. Body Paragraphs: Support your opinion with reasons, explanations, and examples.
  3. Conclusion: Summarise your main points and restate your opinion.

Each part of your essay has a purpose, so make sure to follow this structure to keep your writing clear and organised.

Step 2: Choose a Clear Topic

To write a strong opinion essay, start with a topic that interests you and allows you to form a clear stance. Ideally, choose a topic you are passionate about, as it will make your argument stronger and your writing more persuasive.

  • Tip: If your teacher gives you a topic, try to brainstorm your stance before starting to write.

Step 3: Plan Your Opinion and Supporting Points

Before you begin writing, take a few minutes to outline your main points. Consider why you feel the way you do about the topic and how you can support your opinion with reasoning or examples.

Example Topic: Should children be limited in screen time?

Supporting Points:

  • Reason 1: Too much screen time affects children’s health.
  • Reason 2: It reduces social interactions.
  • Reason 3: Limits help balance other activities, like homework and sports.

Planning your essay in this way helps keep your writing organised and prevents you from wandering off-topic.

Step 4: Write Your Introduction

In the introduction, make your position on the topic clear. Your introduction should grab the reader's attention and briefly introduce your main point.

Example Introduction:
"With the rise of smartphones and tablets, children are spending more time on screens than ever before. In my opinion, children should have limited screen time to promote a healthier lifestyle and encourage real-world interactions."

Step 5: Develop Your Body Paragraphs

In the body of your opinion essay, explain your reasons for holding your opinion, and back each reason with examples or evidence. Aim for at least two or three body paragraphs, each covering one point supporting your opinion.

  • Topic Sentence: Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that states your main point for that paragraph.
  • Supporting Details: Provide facts, examples, or personal experiences that back up your argument.

Example Body Paragraph:
"Excessive screen time can have harmful effects on children’s health. Studies have shown that spending too much time on screens can lead to poor posture, eye strain, and reduced physical activity. By limiting screen time, children have more opportunities to engage in physical play and other important activities."

Step 6: Write a Strong Conclusion

Your conclusion should restate your opinion and briefly summarise the main points you made in the essay. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, focus on reinforcing your viewpoint.

Example Conclusion:
"Limiting children’s screen time is essential for their overall health and development. By reducing time spent on screens, children can focus more on physical activities, social interactions, and learning. For these reasons, I believe that setting screen time limits is important for children today."

Tips for Writing an Effective Opinion Essay

  1. Stay Focused: Keep your writing on-topic, and don’t wander from your opinion.
  2. Use Clear Language: Avoid using overly complex words or phrases. Simple language can make your opinion more understandable.
  3. Be Persuasive: Use convincing language to support your opinion.
  4. Proofread Your Work: Always check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

Example Topics for Practice

Here are a few topics to help you practise writing opinion essays:

  • Should homework be optional for students?
  • Is it better to have online classes or in-person learning?
  • Should animals be kept in zoos?
  • Are video games beneficial for children?

Choose one of these topics and try writing an opinion essay following the steps outlined above.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Not Having a Clear Opinion: Make sure your opinion is clear in the introduction.
  2. Not Supporting Your Opinion: Each body paragraph should offer evidence for your opinion.
  3. Using Weak Language: Use strong, confident language to convey your opinion.


Writing an opinion essay is a great way to express your thoughts on a topic and improve your writing skills. By choosing a topic, planning your points, and using strong examples, you can create a clear and compelling opinion essay. Remember to practise and seek feedback to continue improving.

If you’d like more guidance on writing skills, check out our other resources on essay writing and grammar!

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