Non-Action Verbs in English – Test Yourself!

Practice now to check your Non-Action Verb knowledge.

Non-Action Verb Practice Exercises

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences with the correct non-action verb from the box. Use the correct form (e.g., present, past, future).

Word Bank:
see, hear, smell, taste, feel, love, like, dislike, hate, know, understand, remember, forget, want, need, own, belong, seem, mean, matter, depend, cost, weigh, measure, fit, believe, prefer

  1. I ________ the flowers blooming in the garden; they are stunning.
  2. This cake ________ like chocolate and strawberries.
  3. She ________ the faint sound of a train in the distance.
  4. The pillow ________ soft and comfortable.
  5. My grandparents ________ gardening—it’s their favorite hobby.
  6. He ________ classical music over rock.
  7. This book ________ to my older brother.
  8. I ________ my phone at home and now I feel lost without it.
  9. We ________ in the idea of treating everyone equally.
  10. The sweater ________ perfectly—it’s just the right size!
  11. My dog ________ playing in the park but ________ getting wet in the rain.
  12. This handbag ________ $500—it’s so expensive!
  13. Our house ________ 150 square meters in total.
  14. She always ________ what I tell her, but I ________ details all the time.
  15. Your happiness ________ to me more than anything else.
  16. This project ________ on everyone working as a team.
  17. He ________ the significance of the red flag in the story.
  18. This perfume ________ amazing—it’s my favorite scent!
  19. My suitcase ________ 20 kilograms, so it might exceed the airline's limit.
  20. These results ________ unfair to me; I expected a better outcome.

Part 2: Correct the Sentences

The following sentences contain errors with non-action verbs. Rewrite them correctly.

  1. I am knowing the answer to the question.
    → _______________________________________________
  2. The soup is tasting delicious today.
    → _______________________________________________
  3. This car is belonging to my father.
    → _______________________________________________
  4. She is seeming upset about the news.
    → _______________________________________________
  5. We are needing some extra time to finish the project.
    → _______________________________________________
  6. The shoes are fitting me perfectly.
    → _______________________________________________
  7. I am preferring tea over coffee.
    → _______________________________________________
  8. The team is depending on you to lead them.
    → _______________________________________________
  9. This watch is costing a fortune.
    → _______________________________________________
  10. They are not believing what he said.
    → _______________________________________________

Part 3: Choose the Correct Verb

Choose the most appropriate verb to complete the sentences.

  1. (know / understand)
    I ________ how the machine works now—it’s quite simple.
  2. (belong / own)
    Does this bike ________ to you, or is it borrowed?
  3. (see / hear)
    I can ________ the birds chirping outside my window.
  4. (mean / matter)
    Your kindness ________ a lot to me.
  5. (fit / measure)
    This jacket doesn’t ________; it’s too small for me.
  6. (love / prefer)
    I ________ sunny days, but I ________ a cozy rainy day sometimes too.
  7. (cost / weigh)
    How much does this item ________? I hope it’s under my budget!
  8. (remember / forget)
    Do you ________ when we went to the beach last summer?

Part 4: True or False

Read the sentences and decide if they are grammatically correct (True) or incorrect (False). If false, rewrite them.

  1. These flowers smell wonderful. (True/False)
  2. I am believing in miracles. (True/False)
  3. The house belongs to my parents. (True/False)
  4. This soup tastes spicy. (True/False)
  5. She is knowing how to drive now. (True/False)
  6. Your happiness matters to me. (True/False)
  7. This pen costs $2.50. (True/False)
  8. The jacket is fitting perfectly. (True/False)
  9. He prefers summer to winter. (True/False)
  10. The results depend on how hard we work. (True/False)

Part 5: Match the Descriptions

Match the non-action verbs to their correct meanings.

1. remember

2. prefer

3. hate

4. own

5. depend

6. believe

a) To dislike intensely

b) To have ownership

c) To rely on or be influenced by

d) To recall information

e) To favour something over another

f) To accept as true

Part 6: Writing Practice

Write sentences using the following non-action verbs in different contexts.

  1. mean
  2. belong
  3. seem
  4. cost
  5. weigh
  6. love
  7. matter
  8. need
  9. prefer
  10. depend

Answer Key

Part 1: Fill in the Blanks

  1. see
  2. tastes
  3. hears
  4. feels
  5. love
  6. prefers
  7. belongs
  8. forgot
  9. believe
  10. fits
  11. loves, hates
  12. costs
  13. measures
  14. remembers, forget
  15. matters
  16. depends
  17. understands
  18. smells
  19. weighs
  20. seem

Part 2: Correct the Sentences

  1. I know the answer to the question.
  2. The soup tastes delicious today.
  3. This car belongs to my father.
  4. She seems upset about the news.
  5. We need some extra time to finish the project.
  6. The shoes fit me perfectly.
  7. I prefer tea over coffee.
  8. The team depends on you to lead them.
  9. This watch costs a fortune.
  10. They do not believe what he said.

Part 3: Choose the Correct Verb

  1. understand
  2. belong
  3. hear
  4. matters
  5. fit
  6. love, prefer
  7. cost
  8. remember

Part 4: True or False

  1. True
  2. False → I believe in miracles.
  3. True
  4. True
  5. False → She knows how to drive now.
  6. True
  7. True
  8. False → The jacket fits perfectly.
  9. True
  10. True

Part 5: Match the Descriptions

  1. d
  2. e
  3. a
  4. b
  5. c
  6. f
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